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Welcome to Cockpitdecks

Cockpitdecks is an application to use decks connected to a computer with X-Plane flight simulator.


The following make and models of decks have been tested and are known to work with Cockpitdecks:

Cockpitdecks also provides Web Decks, an emulator of the above decks in a web page, in the context of this application. Yes, you read it, you can now have any of the above deck, reproduced on a tablet, to use with X-Plane flight simulator. For free.


Cockpitdecks can run on the same computer as X-Plane, or a remote computer, network-connected to X-Plane.

You can now proceed to the discovery of Cockpitdecks Introduction, or directly jump to the Cockpit that holds all your decks. If you are impatient to try Cockpitdecks, head for Installation. If you want to learn more about Cockpitdecks and why it exists, head here.

Post Scriptum

Cockpitdecks currently only connects to X-Plane flight simulator. However, hooks are ready to connect to other simulators, like Microsoft Flight Simulator. Packages like pysimconnect can be used to bridge Cockpitdecks and MSFS. Unfortunately, these packages only run on Microsoft Window platform because they require MSFS SDK only available on the MS Window platform. If a developer want to create the MSFS Cockpitdecks plugin for Microsoft Flight Simulator, please contact me.

In this respect, X-Plane and Cockpitdecks, which run on MS Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and accept interaction through network ports are a far more open to extensions. This is also why Cockpitdecks can run on a remote host, and send its instructions to the simulator through network connections.