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In the definition of the button, the type attribute determine what the button will do.

For a given button on a deck, the action that the button will be able to carry over is limited to a set of valid types. A push button is not capable of rotations of an encoder.

When interaction occurs on a button on a deck, Cockpitdecks creates a typed Event, and passes it for activation.

Each activation is designed to handle one or more Events types. For example a EncoderPush activation is capable of handling both PressEvent and EncoderEvent. What is does with those event is left to the activation.

This file list all activations that are currently available in Cockpitdecks. For each activation, we present its name or keyword by which it must be referred to, the attributes it expects to work properly, the type of events it expects, and internal state values it produces and maintains.

Activation Steps

Each activation always goes through 3 steps.

First, the event is handled completely. Most of the time, the root class of activations is activated first, for global handling and checks. Then the activation itself is perfomed.

Second, if the activation produces a value, it is written to the set-dataref of the button, if any. This operation can be considered like an second instruction that is always performed, provided of course that the button instructed to write the value to the dataref pointed py set-dataref.

Third, and finally, if the button activation contains a view command, it is executed. The purpose of the view command if to alter the view in the cockpit, may be to focus on a particular area of the dashboard to control the effect of the activation.

No Activation

type: none

Button with no activation are button used for display purpose only.


Any event can be handed over to the No Activation, since it will not be used.

State Values

State Variable Value
activation_count Number of time button was activated
last_activated Time stamp of last activation
initial_value Initial value in configuration (if any)
current_value Button current value
previous_value Button previous value before change
guarded Whether button has a guard on top of it
managed Whether button has managed mode (specific to some cockpits, which means there are alternate display values)

Activation Value

Among the above State Value that an Activation returns, there always is a special state value named the activation value. The activation value can be accessed by accessing the activation_value attributes in the state values.

This value is just a value among the existing state values that gets highlighted because it is the most sensible value used by the activation.

For exemple, the activation value for the On/Off activation is the current state of the activation, either On or Off.

In the following descriptions, the activation value is highlighted for each activation.

For No Activation activation, the activation value is equal to the activation count. This is also the "default" activation value, if nothing more precise is returned, the activation value is the number of activation of that button.

The activation value comes to play when the button needs to determine its value. It first look for a formula, then a single dataref, and if there is no formula and no single dataref, the activation value is used.


type: page

When the button is pressed, a deck will load a page of buttons.


Attribute Definition
page Mandatory. Name of the page to load. The page must be in the Layout of the target deck.
remote_deck Optional. If present, will load the page on the target deck.


PushEvent and PressEvent can trigger the Page activation.

State Values

Attribute Definition
page page that is currently displayed


type: theme

When the button is pressed, the main theme will be changed.


Attribute Definition
theme Mandatory. Name of theme.


PushEvent and PressEvent can trigger the Page activation.


type: push

Push button.


Attribute Definition
command Mandatory. X-Plane command that is executed each time the button is pressed.


Command is a mandatory parameter but if no command is necessary a command placeholder value can be used. Command placeholder value are any of the following string:
none, noop, no-operation, no-command, do-nothing
They all are ignored and do not trigger any activity in X-Plane.


PushEvent. Please note that PushEvent consists of 2 distinct events, a pressed event (PushEvent with pressed = True), and a release event (PushEvent with pressed = False), when the button is pressed or released respectively.


Option Definition
auto-repeat Auto repeat command at specified pace while the button remains pressed.
auto-repeat option accepts a couple of optional values:

- delay: Time (in second) after which the auto-repeat starts, default to 1 second.
- speed: Time (in second) between 2 executions of the command.
	options: auto-repeat=3/0.5,dot

Auto-repeat will start 3 second after the button was pressed, the command will auto-repeat every 0.5 seconds, twice per second. (dot option also set for other purpose.)


type: begin-end-command

Push button that will carry the command as long as the button will remain pressed.

Long press command should not be confused with auto-repeat commands. A BeginEndPress command in one command that is executed once as long as the button remain pressed. An auto-repeat command is the same command that is executed several times at regular interval (typically once every 0.2 seconds, 5 times per second) as long as the button is pressed.


The BeginEndPress command requires installation of a XPPYthon3 plugin in X-Plane to circumvent a few X-Plane UDP limitations.



Only PushEvent can be used to trigger BeginEndPress Activation since both press and release events are necessary to estimate the timing between both events.


Attribute Definition
command Mandatory. X-Plane command that is executed each time the button is pressed.

X-Plane will issue a beginCommand when the button is pressed and a endCommand when released.


Please note that the use of longpress command needs the addition of a little plugin to circumvent X-Plane UDP limitations when used through UDP.


type: onoff

Push button.


PushEvent, PressEvent, LongPressEvent


Attribute Definition
commands Optional pair of X-Plane commands that are executed alternatively. Two commands must be supplied, but the same command can be provided twice.
set-dataref Optional dataref to set On(=1) or Off (=0).

Either attribute can be set or both. In the latter case, the command is first executed and then the dataref is set.

State Values

Attribute Definition
on current state On or Off

Activation Value

The activation value for On/Off activation is the current status, either On or Off.


type: updown

Cycle Up and Down button.


Attribute Definition
commands X-Plane commands that are executed when pushes increase value, and when pushes descrease value.
stops=3 Number of stop values. For example: Stops=3 will give 0-1-2-1-0 cycles, with 3 stops 0, 1, and 2.
initial-value If an initial value is supplied, it's sign indicated how the value will evolve.

For example, if the initial value is 1, the next value will be 2 (go up). If the initial value is -1, the initial value will be set to 1, but the next value will be zero (go down).
set-dataref Optional dataref to set the value of the current stop.

Very much like On/Off activation either commands or set-dataref can be supplied or both.

Activation Value

The activation value for UpDown activation is the current value.

State Values

Attribute Definition
stops Number of stops
go_up True will increase at next push; False will decrease
stop Current value


Short or long press has two commands, one that is executed when the button is pressed for less than long-time seconds, and one when it is pressed more than long-time seconds.

type: short-or-longpress


Attribute Definition
commands Two commands, the first one is called on short press.
long-time Time to press the button to activate second command. Default to 2 seconds.


Type: encoder

An Encoder is a rotating knob or dial with steps. Steps are often materialised by a little sound or a slight resistance in the rotation.


Attribute Definition
commands An Encoder has two commands, one that is executed for each step while turning clockwise, and one for each step when turning counter-clockwise.

State Values

State Definition
rotation_clockwise number of times/clicks the encoder was turned clockwise.
rotation_counterclockwise same.

Activation Value

The activation value for Encoder activation is the current rotation value, i.e. number of rotation clockwise minus number of rotation counter-clockwise, negative values means there are more counter clockwise turns.


type: encoder-push

An EncoderPush is the combination of an Encoder and a push button.


Attribute Definition
commands An EncoderPush has 3 commands:

1. First command gets executed when it is pushed
2. Second command gets executed when encoder is turned clockwise
3. Third command gets executed when encoder is turned counterclockwise

State Values

State Definition
turns Number of turns, positive is clockwise
cw number of times/clicks the encoder was turned clockwise.
ccw same, counter clockwise.

Activation Value

Same as Encoder activation.


type: encoder-push

An EncoderOnOff is the combination of an Encoder and an OnOff button.


Attribute Definition
commands An EncoderPush has 4 commands:

1. First command gets executed when it is OFF, to turn it ON
2. Second command gets executed when it is ON, to turn it OFF
3. Third command gets executed when encoder is turned clockwise
4. Fourth command gets executed when encoder is turned counterclockwise


Attribute Definition
dual With option dual, the activation uses two more commands.

1. First command gets executed when it is OFF, to turn it ON
2. Second command gets executed when it is ON, to turn it OFF
3. Third command gets executed when encoder is turned clockwise and ON
4. Fourth command gets executed when encoder is turned counterclockwise and ON
5. Third command gets executed when encoder is turned clockwise and OFF
6. Fourth command gets executed when encoder is turned counterclockwise and OFF.

State Values

State Definition
cw number of times/clicks the encoder was turned clockwise.
ccw same.
on Is currently On or Off

Activation Value

Same as Encoder activation.


A combination of pushing and turning.


Attribute Definition
commands An EncoderLongPush has 4 commands:

1. First command gets executed when encoder is turned clockwise
2. Second command gets executed when encoder is turned counterclockwise
3. Third command gets executed when encoder is first pushed, then turned clockwise
4. Fourth command gets executed when encoder is first pushed, then turned counterclockwise

State Values

State Definition
cw number of times/clicks the encoder was turned clockwise.
ccw same.

Activation Value

Same as Encoder activation.


type: encoder-push

An EncoderValue is an Encoder that increases or decrease an internal value each time it is rotated clockwise or counterclockwise. The value can be written to an X-Plane dataref or used for other pruposes.


Attribute Definition
initial-value Initial value. Default to 0.
step Amount of value increase or decrease.
stepxl Alternate value for step increase or decrease. If the encoder is capable of push action, the push action will switch between the step and stepxl values.
min Minimal value.
max Maximal value.
formula Optional. Formula to transform the ${state:button-value} before it is sent to the dataref.
set-dataref Optional dataref to set to the value of the computed value. The value is sent right away, after each encoder activation.

State Values

State Definition
cw number of times/clicks the encoder was turned clockwise.
ccw same.
value Current raw value

Activation Value

The activation value of the EncoderValue activation is the computed value of the encoder.


type: slider

A Slider is a one dimensional cursor that produces a continuous value within a range. The value can be written to an X-Plane dataref, directly, or after a computation.


Attribute Definition
set-dataref Optional. Dataref to write the value to, if present.
formula Optional. Formula to transform the ${state:button-value} (value produced by the slider) before it is sent to the dataref.

State Values

State Definition
value Current raw value

Activation Value

The activation value of the Slider activation is the value of the slider.


type: swipe

A Swipe is a 2 dimensional movement of a finger on a surface. The event produced consists of the start and end positions of the finger relative to the surface (x, y) and timing information (time stamp).

(Currently not used.)

The Swipe event has no attribute.

State Values

The event of a swipe is complex. The entire event is available as last_event.

The event has the following structure:

ts_start: 123.456
ts_end: 135.246
pos_start: (23, 48)
pos_end: (78, 42)

State Values

State Definition
start_x Start of swipe position laterally
start_y Start of swipe position vertically
start_ts Timestamp of start of swipe, in microseconds
end_x End of swipe position laterally
end_y End of swipe position vertically
end_ts Timestamp of end of swipe, in microseconds

From the above values, with some tolerence, it is possible to determine whether the finger moved on the surface or not (swipe or touch), and to determine the duration of the contact with the surface.

Button Activations for Developers

Reload, Stop, or Inspect are special activations for developer.

These activations are normally not used during regular operations.

New Activations

It always is possible to create new activations by extending Cockpitdecks.