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An image file is loaded on the deck key if it is capable of displaying images.



icon: isi
	frame: frame_image.png
	frame-size: [256, 256]
	content-size: [128, 128]
	content-offset: [64, 64]

A frame is a special "background" image that is first loaded, and the icon itself is laid over the background image. In the above example, icon isi will be resized to 128x128px and placed (pasted, laid over) at position (64, 64) in the frame image.


The purpose of framed icon is to provide a uniform icon representation (the frame) with varying inner content (the icon itself).

It is different from a textured background because it allows for icon placement and resizing before pasting over the underlying image frame.


text: "SOME\nTEXT"

An image file is created with a uniform background color or texture and text laid over.

The text laid over the button should not be confused with the label. The text laid over is additional to the label, and can be dynamic to display a changing value like the heading of the aircraft or the amount of fuel left in a tank.


text-bg-color: lime

Background color of the image or icon where the text is displayed. Default background color is cockpit color.

text-*: value

Values for font, font size, color, and position of the text on the image.

Text Substitution

It is possible to use subsitution of coded string in text values:

  • ${dataref-path} is replaced by the scalar value of the dataref pointed by dataref-path.
  • ${formula} is replaced by the value computed in the formula .
  • ${state:name} is replaced by the scalar value of the button' state name.

Note: A Text string value is not a formula and is not evaluated. Above strings are simply substituted.

text: ${formula}
text-format: 4.2f
formula: 3.14 2 ${dataref-path} * *

Will produce an icon with text value "3.14" text in the middle.




Multiple icon files are displayed according to the value of the button.

For example, for an OnOff activation type there may be two icons for On and Off positions; for a UpDown activation type, there may be one icon for each stop position.

No attribute.


Cockpitdecks offers representations like multi-icons, multi-texts, and even multi-buttons always on the same pattern. The multi- keyword means that there are several representations of the same type available in the button definition. The value of the button determine which one if chosen for representation. If the value of the button does not point at a valid index in the list, the representation is ignored.



		- text: Option 1
		  text-color: green
		- text: Option 2
		  text-color: amber
		- text: ${aicraft/some_value}
		  text-format: "Limit reached {4.1f}"
		  text-color: red
		  text-font: DIN Bold
		  text-position: tr
	formula: ${dataref_for_text_selection}

A Multitext attributes contains a list of IconText-like attributes (a list of text block) where each text block can contain attributes like in an IconText text block.

A single text block is selected according to the value of the button.

In the above example, the formula ${dataref_for_text_selection} return 2, the second text block

		  text: ${aicraft/some_value}
		  text-format: "Limit reached {4.1f}"
		  text-color: red
		  text-font: DIN Bold
		  text-position: tr

will be selected and displayed as a IconText.



Important Note

The selection of the text block must be performed by a formula and not a dataref.

When a formula is present in the attributes of a button, it is always favored over a list of datarefs, even if the list contains only one dataref. (If there a button uses multiple datarefs and there is no formula, the value that is returned for that button is a dictionary of all dataref values.)


See Multi-Buttons and Mosaic.


led: led

Turns a single LED light On or Off depending on the button's value.


led: colored


color: orange

Turns a single LED light On or Off depending on the button's value. The color of the LED is determined by the color attribute.

The color attribute can use a formula to determine the color (single hue value in 360° circle.)


Switches are drawings often used by OnOff activations that can be used in replacement of icons.

Switches is a drawing of a simple two or three-way switch.
Circular switches are multi-value rotation switches or selectors.
Push switches are simpler two state push button.

Deck Specific Displays

Some decks have particular LCD displays. Cockpitdecks designed specific activations and representations for those.

Other Representations

Above switches are special instances of dynamically drawn representations.

There are other dynamically drawn represetations for displaying data, or weather information.

The sky is the limit.

Representation Validity

Each Representation has a is_valid() method that checks whether all necessary attributes or parameters are available to it and valid. If the validity function fails, a warning is reported and the button is not rendered. The inspect keyword used to verify the validity of the representation is valid.

Each Representation has an describe() method that explains what it displays in plain English. The inspect keyword used to describe the representation is what.