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A few set of special buttons are dynamically drawn based on attributes.

Attributes are numerous to allow for design flexibility, however default values will always provide a usable representation.

The idea of drawn buttons came after the flexibility discovered when designing Annunciators. All annunciators are drawn buttons: Texts, frames, basic icons…


A DataButton is a particular case of a display only button.


A DataButton displays four informations:

  1. A single letter or icon from a character font, (we can use icon fonts,)
  2. A value, and optionally the trend of the value (rising, decreasing, statuquo)
  3. A unit short text (static)
  4. An optional percentage bar of the value relative to a 100% value
  5. A small text string (typically ~20 characters maximum) called the bottom line.
  - index: 4
    name: Fuel Level
    type: none
    label: Fuel
    label-size: 10
    label-position: ct
      icon-name: "gas-pump"
      data: 75.4256
      data-format: "{:02.0f}"
      data-font: DIN Condensed Light
      data-size: 24
      data-unit: "%"
      data-progress: 100
      data-trend: 0
      dataref-rpn: ${sim/aircraft/fuel_level} 10 *
      bottomline: Go Faster

Data button representation aims at providing a dashboard-like single value highlighted in a deck key image, very much like common web dashboards.



Decor representation displays simple connected lines to populate unused icons. They can be used to display visual helper lines that connect annunciators (bleed air, hydraulics, etc.) The idea behind Decor icons is to provide a quick alternative to blank icons when filling large decks with numerous keys.

Decor icon are governed by two parameters type and code. The type is a category of drawings. The code determine which drawing will be made in that category.


type: line

Decor icons of type line display a single horizontal or vertical line, and corner angles. The code determine which line get drawn.


type: line
code: H



type: segment

Decor icons of type segment display segments that are present in the code attribute.


For example:

type: segment
code: BGNSIL0123

will light (turn on) segments B, G, N… 3, which correspond will result in a drawing like the one proposed by the H code in type line above.


Common Decor Attributes

Line width

width: 10

Width of the line.


color: red

Color of the line.


The aircraft representation displays the name of the aircraft (ICAO type designator) located in the dataref: sim/aircraft/view/acf_ICAO. All 4 (or more) characters are fetched and displayed in the icon. (We currently limit fetching the first four characters only, which should be sufficient for ICAO aircraft code designator.)

The representation attribute is

      text-font: B612-Bold
      text-size: 32

If a set-dataref is present, the aircraft representation increases the value of that dataref by one each time the aircraft name changes in the sim/aircraft/view/acf_ICAO. This can be used by other button or by Cockpitdecks itself to be notified of an aircraft or aircraft model change.


(Please refer to the dedicated Weather Representation page.)


The WeatherButton is a special data button that displays METAR information of the station closest to the aircraft in a small, iconic representation.

  - index: 8
    name: METAR
    type: weather
    station: OTHH



(To do. Cycle through forecast each time button is pressed.)

Current X-Plane Weather

