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Multi-Buttons and Mosaic allow simultaneous representation of several buttons.

Multi-buttons selects one button to represent from a list of buttons.

Mosaic represent them all at once, simultaneously.


A Mosaic is a trick used to split a large button into smaller ones.

A Mosaic can, in some regards, be considered as a special case of a Page. Yes, a small page with its own set of individual buttons.

Very much like a Page, a Mosaic contains buttons, with their own behavior (activation) and rendering (representation). However, at the end, all button rendering are sticked together, like tiles on a mosaic, to render on the larger button (the mosaic).

Typical example of Mosaic are: LoupedeckLive side buttons: They are larger, 60x270 pixels, and can be "split" into smaller buttons, like a column of 4 60x60 buttons, with 10 pixels between each. A Streamdeck Plus touchscreen, which is 100x800 pixel in size, can either be split into 8 buttons of 100x100 each, or less buttons with more space between them.




Mosaic representation has been designed so that it requires the minimal adjustment to Cockpitdecks. Here are some design constraints.


When touching the Mosaic, we need to know where the contact occurred because we have to determine which tile was activated. Therefore, the only valid activation for a Mosaic is swipe event, because the swipe event reports the coordinates (x, y) where the contact occurred.

Similarly, for tiles, for simplicity, we will only allow push and long-push events. We may, in future releases, allow for more events but cases will be requested before we make Mosaic too complicated.

In a nutshell, the swipe activation of the Mosaic gets transformed into a push, or long-push representation of a tile.


The Mosaic representation will be an image. As its name says, it will be composed of smaller tiles, that are also images.

Therefore the representation of a button inside a Mosaic, a tile, must produce an image, like icon, all drawing representations (that indirectly create images), etc.

In a nutshell, the representation of the Mosaic is built from the representations of all tiles that are put together at their proper offset position.

Deck Type Definition

Here is an example of definition of a mosaic for the LoupedeckLive left screen.

  - name: left
      - swipe
    feedback: image
      - 60
      - 270
        - 120
        - 59
    options: corner_radius=4
    # The left button is composed of 3 sub-buttons:
      - name: 0
        # prefix of mosaic buttons should match name of parent mosaic
        # names will be left0, left1, left2
        prefix: left
          - push
        feedback: image
          - 60
          - 60
        repeat: [1, 3]
            - 0
            - 15
            - 0
            - 30

One Deck Type can define one or more mosaic for its large LCD displays. For example, a 800x100 pixel large LCD can propose a Mosaic of 4 x 200x100 pixels.

If a user prefers an alternate Mosaic of 8 x 100x100 pixels, it is necessary to create another Deck Type, with another name, where the alternate mosaic is expressed.

The same device, whether physical or "virtual" (through a Web Deck), can be declined in several Deck Types to offer a modular representation to Cockpitdecks.

Button Definition


  - index: left
    type: mosaic
    label: MosaiK
        - index: m0

The activation (type) must be mosaic. This activation transforms the swipe event into push events.

The representation must be mosaic. The representation collects the representation of each tile and compose the final image that is sent for display.


  - index: left
    type: mosaic
    label: MosaiK
        - index: m0
          name: RELOAD
          type: reload
          icon: RELOAD
          label: RELOAD
          label-position: ct
(more clever and realist button later, this is a working placeholder)


(picture, later)


The multi-button representation defines a list of buttons.

The value of the main hosting button determine which button gets chosen from the list (index value).