Cockpitdecks Internal Data
These datarefs are created and maintained for statistical purpose. They should not be used for simulation, only for development and Cockpitdecks health monitoring.
# C O C K P I T D E C K S
# C O C K P I T
# Number of cockpitdecks reloads
COCKPITDECK_RELOADS = "reload_pages"
# D E C K
# Number of page reloads
DECK_RELOADS = "reload_page" # /<deck-name>
# Number of page reloads
PAGE_CHANGES = "change_page" # /<deck-name>/<page-name>
RENDER_BG_TEXTURE = "bg-texture"
RENDER_BG_COLOR = "bg-color"
RENDER_CREATE_ICON = "create_icon"
# P A G E
DATAREF_REGISTERED = "registered_dataref"
PAGE_RENDER = "page_render"
PAGE_CLEAN = "page_clean"
# B U T T O N
BUTTON_CLEAN = "clean"
# U D P
INTDREF_CONNECTION_STATUS = "_connection_status"
# Number of UDP packet received
UDP_BEACON_RCV = "udp_beacon_received"
UDP_BEACON_TIMEOUT = "udp_beacon_timeout"
STARTS = "starts"
STOPS = "stops"
UDP_READS = "udp_rcv"
LAST_READ = "last_read_time"
VALUES = "values_read"
UPDATE_ENQUEUED = "value_change_enqueued"
# Average number of reads per seconds (last 100 reads)
UDP_READS_PERSEC = "cockpitdecks/udp/persec"
# Time sice last read
UDP_CYCLE = "cockpitdecks/udp/cycle"
# Average number of dataref values recevied per seconds (last two minutes)
UDP_DATAREFS_PERSEC = "cockpitdecks/udp/datarefs_persec"
# Total number of dataref values recevied
UDP_DATAREF_COUNT = "cockpitdecks/udp/dataref-count"
# E V E N T
ENQUEUE_CYCLE = "cockpitdecks/udp/enqueue/cycle"
ENQUEUE_COUNT = "cockpitdecks/udp/enqueue/count"
ENQUEUE_PERSEC = "cockpitdecks/udp/enqueue/persec"
# X - P L A N E
# Zulu diff
# Time difference between zulu in sim and zulu on cockpitdecks host computer (in seconds and microseconds)
ZULU_DIFFERENCE = "xplane/timedelay"