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For a given deck, a Layout is a collection of Pages that will be displayed on that deck.

A Layout is a folder, inside the deckconfig main folder.

The Layout is named and addressed by the name of the folder.

Layouts were created to cope with different deck models. If you have a set of 30 commands, you can display them all on a 32 key deck. But you have to make two pages of buttons on a 16 key deck. Same button definitions, but two layouts.

Layout Folder

The Layout folder contains the following files:

  ⊢ layout_name
    ⊢ config.yaml
    ⊢ page1.yaml
    ⊢ page2.yaml

Layout config.yaml File

The config.yaml file inside a layout folder defines Layout-level attributes. The file is optional.

# This is at layout level
default-icon-color: (94, 111, 130)
default-label-color: blue
default-label-font: DIN Bold.ttf
default-label-size: 13
default-page-name: index


Attribute Definition
default-icon-color: blue Optional. Default color to use for icon background.
default-label-color: white Optional. Default color to use for layout labels.
default-label-font: D-DIN.otf Optional. Default font to use for layout labels.
default-label-size: 13 Optional. Default label size.
default-homepage-name Optional. Default page name in layout.

The default value of some attributes (like font, colors, and sizes) is fetched at the Cockpit level if they are not specified at the Layout level.

Layout attributes are used for all pages in the layout, unless a Page refines the definition of one of these attribute.


Other files in the folder are considered to be Pages in the layout.

Default Layout

If a deck has no layout specified, Cockpitdecks will generate one with one default page that will display a logo image on the deck (if it is capable of displaying images…) and use the first available push button to toggle X-Plane Map On or Off.