
Airport Opera estimate the operational effectiveness of an airport by looking at vehicle ground movements, both aircrafts and ground support equipments.

Vehicle ground movements are monitored through Rules. A Rule express a vehicle behaviour to monitor.

When a Vehicle follows a Rule, timing and location information is saved, analysed, and compiled in other effectiveness indicators.

A very simple example to illustrate the mechanism is a Rule that monitors when an aircraft exists a runway (start of rule) and later stops on a parking ramp (end of rule). The timings of the two events allow for easy calculation of taxi-in time. This value, averaged over several aircrafts, together with other airport variables (runway in use, weather, airlineā€¦) create a taxi-in indicator. The variation of the indicator is connected to the effectiveness of the airport. This is a very simple, illustrative indicator. Numerous other indicators are estimated and collectively contribute to the estimation of the operational effectiveness of the airport.

(Picture of dashboard here later.)