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Train of vehicle

Baggage vehicle with three wagons, ULD trains with palettes…

  service: baggage
    - lata/gse/small_baggage_train_tractor.obj
    - lata/gse/small_baggage_train_wagon.obj
    - lata/gse/small_baggage_train_wagon.obj
    - lata/gse/small_baggage_train_wagon.obj
  slow: 5
  speed: 15
  fast: 25

Service with two positions

Example: Refueling under both left and right wings.

  - service: fuel
    vehicle: hydrant
    start: -55
    duration: 25
    precise-position: fuel-left
  - service: fuel
    vehicle: hydrant
    start: -58
    duration: 26
    precise-position: fuel-right   

Objects with no movement

If a service has an attribute

  service: aircraft
  model: lata/gse/cone.obj
  slow: 0
  speed: 0
  fast: 0
  - service: aircraft
    vehicle: cones
    start: 3
    duration: 80
    no-movement: true

LATA will not generate any movement for that Service. The object will be spawned at the time of service (start) and removed after the service (duration).
Typical example of such objects that appear around the aircraft when it arrives are cones or chocks. They are removed, or disappear, just before the aircraft leaves.

Simpler Turnaround Scheduling

LATA uses independent arrival and departure turnaround service scheduling. It is also possible to schedule all services relative to the arrival time, and ignore or minimize turnaround services relative to departure.